The Minister's Cat Jim Rodda

The Minister's Cat is a word game we play with our kids on long car trips, or at least it is when we can pry them away from their bickering and iPods for a few minutes.

Players take turns describing the Minister's Cat with an adjective, progressing through the alphabet as they go.

First player gets "A," and says the Minister's Cat is an awesome cat. Second player uses "B" and says the Minister's Cat is a brave cat. And so on. If you can't think of a word, you're out.

Today, the Minister's Cat is a Voronoi cat.

The zip file contains the spiffy Voronoi cat, and a generic cat and base for you to remix so we can all play The Minister's Cat on Thingiverse.

Price $0.99
Category Art
Purchases 1
Views 3312
Likes 2
Uploaded 06/6/2014

This work is licensed under the Redpah License.

base.stl 5 KB
ministers_cat.stl 703 KB
voronoi_cat.stl 48 MB
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Wow, cool insight into your family approach. Based on the training of your kids, now we glimpse where your super-advanced diction may have grown from!
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