3D Printed Binary Watch Tim Keeley

A watch housing to hold a binary watch circuit. This watch shows the hour and minutes by flashing two LEDs in sequence to represent two 4-bit binary numbers. The left LED represents the 0's and the right LED represents the 1's. The first set of flashes is the hour, the second set of flashes is the minute.
It has three pieces that pressure fit together very nicely.
The body and the face pieces have an oval so that you can align the parts up evenly when the two pieces are together. The face piece had two tabs to help hold the circuit board in place. It also has pin holes to add your own strap.
I built the circuit using an AtTiny85, 2 resistors, 2 Leds, a momentary push button and a cr2032 battery holder. The I designed the circuit layout so I din't need any wires, all connections are made with solder bridges or using the leads of the components. The sketch flashed onto the AtTiny comes from othermachine's "nerd watch" project on Instructables. I used most of the same code, line for line with just a few changes I made for my watch. Get their sketch files here: http://www.instructables.com/files/orig/FYH/T5PV/I504WRDF/FYHT5PVI504WRDF.zip

The circuit board should be a 37mm diameter circle ( I use a scroll saw to rough cut then a bench sander to sand to shape) and the components should be positioned in a window 28.5mm wide by 22.5mm high in the middle of the board. I put all the components on the top with only the batter holder on the bottom. This is a little tricky but can be done.
UPDATE! I've added a circuit board template. Print the template and trace the inside onto the circuit board. Then cut/sand just to the line and then fine tune to fit.

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Category Jewelry
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Uploaded 06/22/2015
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